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Once Upon A Time….

In the town of Ijebu-Ode, There lived a man who recently got a job as a gateman to the House of one of the city town’s men; Chief Babatunde Babalola was just a young rich man in his middle 30s, He had just been coronated a chief due to his father’s influence in the land.

Chief Babatunde Babalola was also privileged to take charge of his father’s businesses, thereby making him one of the richest young men in Ijebu-Ode Town.
One striking reality is the fact that despite the riches and influence Chief Babatunde Babalola had, he was humble and kind to everyone; he was loved within the community.

Here Comes Komolafe;

Mr. Shola Komolafe, also a young man in his early 30s, had just moved into the town with his family, in search of a new life. After several toils of hardship, he decided to leave Okitipupa Town for Ijebu-Ode; he had heard that some of the rich men needed gatemen for their houses.

Fortunately, he got introduced to Chief Babalola by an old childhood friend who was also based in Ijebu-Ode.

Chief Babalola was very kind to him and accepted to employ him as the gateman to his house. He was so kind and generous that he insisted that he moved in with his family into the boy’s quarters just behind the house in order to prevent distractions and stress induced issues as a result of his distance.


It had now been over six months that Mr. Shola Komolafe and his family had been working and living in the Babalola’s Compound. In a nutshell, Chief Babalola was God-sent to Mr Shola and his family.

At times His boss (Chief Babalola) would sit in the courtyard most evenings to share with him stories about life, friendship, business and relationships. The conversations often, extend late into the night.

This was a huge learning opportunity for Komolafe. He was a gateman quite alright but never got the treatment of gateman from his boss. The duo got along very well.


As with usual practice, Chief Babalola would summon his new gist partner (Mr. Komolafe), to their usual spot for evening banters.

However there was a twist to the usual engagement. Chief Babalola turned to Mr. Akomolafe with a stern look in his eyes and leaned forward to ask him a shocking question.

Chief Babalola: AK (an alias for Akomolafe) what burning question do you have in mind to ask me? Tell me……… I really want to know.

Akomolafe: in response to that direct question, Mr Akomolafe summoned courage and proceeded with this statement – My Chief……. Why are you so nice to everyone especially those of lower class and economic status? Please tell me what do you see in them?

Chief Babalola: (Clearing his throat, answered and said) AK……Ak Life has taught me one simple lesson. THE YOUNG SHALL GROW. You see growing up I had a lot of questions that I needed answers to. Why are people poor, why can’t everyone go to school etc.


Thankfully I had a wise grandfather who took time to break it down in practical terms. My grandfather said to me – my boy we all need each other when you grow much older you will see the truth in my statement.

I realized that judging people based on today, their economic status etc might not be the wisest thing to do. The tides can change or turn in people’s favour.
People rise and people do fall. Therefore, we must never think too highly of ourselves. We must remain thankful and hopeful. The young shall grow he added again”.

Chief Babalola sighs……

This is the same reason behind the choice of my children’s school. I choose their school because I want this as part of their firm foundation for life.

Akomolafe : What is the name of their school and How has that got to do with the principle?

Chief Babalola: City of Knowledge Academy is the name. I will tell you more some other time. We need to stop at this point now. It is dark already and I must retire to bed.
AK…Ak   (chief smiles again) I will start to call you the City Gateman from now onwards.

Do have  great night rest.

To be Continued...


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